Thursday, September 9, 2010
My due date passed! And there is no sign of baby. No contractions...No mucous plug...No nothing. I really think this is the week. I'm super big and there is no more room for this little guy to grow. I'm ready to give birth and hold him in my arms already. I'm ready for the next chapter! I'm ready, but I guess he isn't quite yet. Grrrr.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Baby "room"
So Chris built the crib this past Saturday and I decorated it that night. So much fun!! I have dusted and cleaned the floor a million times already.
My baby shower was on August 31st. It was a great turnout!! I felt great being around the people I love. I danced, mingled and felt beautiful! It was my day - oh yes and of course Justin and Chris' :) I was a trooper because I didn't even take off my silver peep toe pumps. Mama was working it, or at least I felt I was! I never really had a sweet 16 so this felt like my moment.
At the time that we opened presents (which I contemplated on doing because I don't like the "all eyes on me" feeling) we sat down and Chris had the mic. By the way as soon as we walked in, everyone was giving Chris shots of Hennessy and of course he took all of them, and so it's safe to say that he was pretty "happy". MIL handed us the presents, we opened them and he spoke. He read the cards out loud and made everyone laugh with his comments. At the end, of the gift opening portion I wanted to thank everyone for coming, especially because we had the microphone. I took the microphone from Chris and began saying "I just want to thank everyone for coming, I really appreciate it...and I choked. I got so emotional and started crying. Chris had to finish off for me. It was so funny. I'm glad we have video footage of it =]
At the time that we opened presents (which I contemplated on doing because I don't like the "all eyes on me" feeling) we sat down and Chris had the mic. By the way as soon as we walked in, everyone was giving Chris shots of Hennessy and of course he took all of them, and so it's safe to say that he was pretty "happy". MIL handed us the presents, we opened them and he spoke. He read the cards out loud and made everyone laugh with his comments. At the end, of the gift opening portion I wanted to thank everyone for coming, especially because we had the microphone. I took the microphone from Chris and began saying "I just want to thank everyone for coming, I really appreciate it...and I choked. I got so emotional and started crying. Chris had to finish off for me. It was so funny. I'm glad we have video footage of it =]
September is here !!
I am now 38 weeks and ready for baby to come. I have become very anxious and I can't wait until he makes his grand entrance. My legs ache some days, my back really hurts too. I'm lucky my feet aren't swollen, but they do hurt sometimes. Plus I feel so much pressure "down there" since he has dropped. I'm having BH Contractions, nothing major, they end up going away withing a few minutes. I know he'll come when he is ready, but would reeeeaaalllly like it if he came this week :)
Friday, July 9, 2010
Independence Day :)
Hope everyone had a fun and safe 4th Of July. Fireworks were beautiful this year!! Best year yet!! Next year Justin will be joining us in the picture :)
Friday, July 2, 2010
Doctor's Appointment Today
I was so sleepy. Going to bed at 5:30a.m. to wake up at 9:00am to be at the clinic by 9:30 was a drag! I almost didn't want to go - but I wanted to tell them about the hospital visit.
The doctor checked me out & I was given a prescription to get pills for whatever caused the bleeding. So like I stated before - I have had nothing since then. They did the usual and I'm up to 133 pounds. So far so good - I so don't want to go over 140lbs. We'll see how that goes being that I have 10 weeks left!!
The doctor checked me out & I was given a prescription to get pills for whatever caused the bleeding. So like I stated before - I have had nothing since then. They did the usual and I'm up to 133 pounds. So far so good - I so don't want to go over 140lbs. We'll see how that goes being that I have 10 weeks left!!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Trip to the Hospital
I went in to the hospital because I had some spotting for 2 days. I didn't think much of it, since that is quite normal - but it wouldn't go away so I was concerned. MIL said she would take me, just so we can ease our minds. I started reading about what it could be and I got really nervous. I went to the bathroom ones more and that did it. I called MIL and she picked me up it was about 12:00am when we were driving over to Palisade.
I went in and immediately sent me in L&D (Labor and Delivery). I pee'd for them, changed into that ugly hospital gown and they hooked me up to the machines to monitor the baby. The nurse that treated me wasn't very vocal, so I didn't really know what was going on. She would review the sheet of paper coming out of the machine thing that monitored me. She then said "you don't feel that?" I said "no". Mom then said - What is she supposed to be feeling? Is she having contractions?" Nurse said "Yes". I felt my body literally get super hot all over. I was going to start panicking, but quickly remembered that this happens all the time to women. So I relaxed. She hooked me up to get hydrated to see if that stopped the contractions - which they didn't but reduced them. I didn't even feel anything!!
After hours there - they gave me a shot to fully stop the contractions. They gave me antibiotics for an infection (which caused the bleeding). It turns out that I had a UTI which was the reason why I was spotting those days. The UTI might have or might not have caused the contractions. They don't know. They told me to stay hydrated, that might have been another reason why my contractions probably started too. I really don't drink water - so that might have been it. We ended up leaving the hospital at 5:00 am!! I was so tired and sleepy. Plus I had to be up and ready by 9:00 for my doctors appointment.
I really don't want him coming out soon! I want him to come home with me, I don't want him to be in a NICU.
After that - I haven't had ANY spotting or bleeding. I have been drinking more water, especially now that we're having 102 degree weather.
I went in and immediately sent me in L&D (Labor and Delivery). I pee'd for them, changed into that ugly hospital gown and they hooked me up to the machines to monitor the baby. The nurse that treated me wasn't very vocal, so I didn't really know what was going on. She would review the sheet of paper coming out of the machine thing that monitored me. She then said "you don't feel that?" I said "no". Mom then said - What is she supposed to be feeling? Is she having contractions?" Nurse said "Yes". I felt my body literally get super hot all over. I was going to start panicking, but quickly remembered that this happens all the time to women. So I relaxed. She hooked me up to get hydrated to see if that stopped the contractions - which they didn't but reduced them. I didn't even feel anything!!
After hours there - they gave me a shot to fully stop the contractions. They gave me antibiotics for an infection (which caused the bleeding). It turns out that I had a UTI which was the reason why I was spotting those days. The UTI might have or might not have caused the contractions. They don't know. They told me to stay hydrated, that might have been another reason why my contractions probably started too. I really don't drink water - so that might have been it. We ended up leaving the hospital at 5:00 am!! I was so tired and sleepy. Plus I had to be up and ready by 9:00 for my doctors appointment.
I really don't want him coming out soon! I want him to come home with me, I don't want him to be in a NICU.
After that - I haven't had ANY spotting or bleeding. I have been drinking more water, especially now that we're having 102 degree weather.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Holy Charlie Horse!
Never had I felt such pain!! I wake up a few times a night, to get comfy. This particular night I stretch my legs and oh my goodness, pain pain pain on my right calf. Wow another pregnancy perk!
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Pain In My ... Ribs
He's definitely growing. Everyone asks me if he's kicked me in my ribs yet, but he hasn't. I do however feel him moving up towards them. It's an uncomfortable feeling that I usually feel when I'm sitting. I feel him on my right rib, it's always the right one. It doesn't hurt - because he hasn't kicked it, it's more as if he's leaning against it. When this happens, I have to stand up or sit up straight, so I can give him more room in there. I really wish I could see inside so I can see what he's up to.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Hello 3rd Trimester !
As previously posted...I am 28 weeks today or 7 months :) That means that I am officially into my 3rd and last trimester. 12 more weeks to go!! Justin, I will see you in a few weeks!! Can't wait to hold you in my arms and see what you look like finally!
Party In My Belly
I am excited to show you what I get to see every day. I have noticed that his kicks and movements are starting to get stronger and stronger these past few days. I'm surprised I got this on video, usually he stops as soon as I press 'record'. Sorry for the bad quality ...
but if you watch you can see Justin squirming and moving around in my belly. The video doesn't do what I saw justice, but take a look, you will be able to see some of his movements. This was last night at 3 a.m. - He already doesn't let me sleep!
I remember being 10 weeks, and scared to death that something would go wrong, like it did the first time I got pregnant. I had a big scare early on when I went to the hospital. I woke up after Chris left for work at 7 a.m. I got up from bed and a gush of blood came down. I drove myself to the hospital - crying -and was sure that something had gone wrong. I had Chris' mom with me and I was so scared. Thankfully, nothing was wrong and all they told me to do was rest up. At my follow up check up the doctor had told me that my baby had a 50-50 chance of making it. I never really felt I was out in the clear.
I thank God that I have made it this far and hopefully my little guy cooks up real well and doesn't come out until he's due in September. I am truly happy that I have had a good pregnancy so far. And I am thankful every day for this.
I thank God that I have made it this far and hopefully my little guy cooks up real well and doesn't come out until he's due in September. I am truly happy that I have had a good pregnancy so far. And I am thankful every day for this.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Nesting Stage
Maybe this is what they call the nesting stage, but I am officially on clean up mode. I have rearranged my bed, thrown out unnecessary junk. My closet is organized, and so are my drawers. I have bought teeny tiny baby hangers and have hung little Justin's clothes. His others things are organized neatly in the closet shelf.
My registry is made up. I picked out my crib and bedding, and everything else imaginable that I would need when September comes. Now all I have to wait is for my shower to see how many things I am able to get, so I can go ahead and buy the things not bought by my family and friends. My shower is on August 7th and for some reason, that day seems like forever! I just have an itch to have certain things already.
I'm just feeling a bit unprepared.
My registry is made up. I picked out my crib and bedding, and everything else imaginable that I would need when September comes. Now all I have to wait is for my shower to see how many things I am able to get, so I can go ahead and buy the things not bought by my family and friends. My shower is on August 7th and for some reason, that day seems like forever! I just have an itch to have certain things already.
I'm just feeling a bit unprepared.
Heat Flashes!
Dancing Baby
There's a lot going on now a days. I'm 27 weeks along and I walk as slow as a turtle. I get very uncomfortable - quick. I'm still emotional ( but I admit - it has gotten way better ). Clothes are getting too tight.
But I have to say that the best part of pregnancy is feeling and watching him move. Staring at my belly and seeing him actually moving, and pop up on one side then the other is truly the most amazing part of pregnancy for me. I'm so bummed I'm by myself right now because this is mind blowing.
I love you little guy. Keep moving, but don't poke me too hard =)
But I have to say that the best part of pregnancy is feeling and watching him move. Staring at my belly and seeing him actually moving, and pop up on one side then the other is truly the most amazing part of pregnancy for me. I'm so bummed I'm by myself right now because this is mind blowing.
I love you little guy. Keep moving, but don't poke me too hard =)
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Happy Fathers Day :)
Yes, I know he's technically not a dad yet, but...he kind of is. Only because he already loves Justin and is sacrificing for him.
Happy Fathers Day to a soon to be dad. Justin is already a lucky baby to be having a daddy like you. I know your going to be the BEST! Can't wait until we get to hold our little guy.
Happy Fathers Day to a soon to be dad. Justin is already a lucky baby to be having a daddy like you. I know your going to be the BEST! Can't wait until we get to hold our little guy.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Future Justin?
Saturday, June 5, 2010
A Day at the Beach 6/4/2010
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
25 Week Appointment
Did the usual at my doctors' appointment. I pee'd in a cup, they took my blood pressure, they weighed me (I'm up to 128 lbs.) and of course I heard my baby's heart beat. Which is my favorite part.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
We have a baby Name!
Finally we have a baby name for our little growing guy. Yay! Apparently Chris already knew that that was his name and I thought we were still searching. Months ago Chris told me about the name Xavier, this was before I was even showing. I didn't love it at first - I had never thought of that name before. He had been very persistent about that name so of course I wouldn't take that away from him, and it grew on me. So the search for the First or Second name was the challenge. I absolutely love the name Jordan. Love Love Love. BUT, Chris didn't. One of his cousin's little boy name was Jordan so it was a No from the beginning. Alright so time passes and no name. I would randomly text him with names that came to mind. J names were the one's that would always stand out. Justin was a name that had come to mind and he said he liked it, and that's it. A few weeks later he sent me a text asking how I and Justin were doing. I said "Justin??" He's said Yes, our son's name. I asked one last time about Jordan - I just wanted to make sure that it was a definite NO. He said no, that he really didn't like it much. So of course I want our first child's name to be one that he liked so right there I dropped it and forgot all about Jordan. And so it is Justin Xavier Guzman.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
3D Pictures
I went to Palisade Hospital for the Anatomy Ultrasound. The tech was super nice - she printed out a whole bunch of pictures including 3d. She would occasionally switch over and we would see him 3d, which was so beautiful. We definitely didn't expect that. Here are a few pictures of him.
I think he looks like his Daddy :)

He's like, "Leave me alone already people!" lol

Soooo cute! Look at those cheeks!

Anatomy Ultrasound Today!!!

Today was the best day!! Baby looks good. The Tech gave me 18 pictures of my baby! I was so excited. My mom, Chris' mom, and my sister joined me inside and saw him squirming, moving, and not cooperating with the Tech while she was trying to take his measurements. Uh oh - I already have a stubborn baby =)We saw him holding his hands, opening and closing his mouth, we also saw his cute little feet!
They told me he is measuring big. Which means they are changing my due date. Originally, my due date was September 14th. NOW, its September 6th! That makes me 23 weeks 2 days. That makes me 6 months next week - this is crazy!!!! Not sure if this date is definite though - I'm waiting for my doctor to tell me for sure.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Doctor's Appointment Today
I had a regular monthly check up today - Baby is doing just fine =) I heard his heartbeat and the doctor said it was perfect. Since my last visit last month I gained weight, so I'm now 124lbs. I also got my results from my last blood test, which was for Down Syndrome. I got a negative - thank God. I was really nervous about that one. Next week is my next ultrasound! Can't wait to see my boy again =)
Friday, April 30, 2010
On Monday 4/26 I had to make a run to the 24 hr. 7 Eleven. For some reason I really wanted to eat HotDogs! It was 12:30 a.m. and for some reason couldn't get it out of my head! I tried to eat something else - or go to sleep, but no luck. Finally at 2:30, I couldn't take it. I went out, with my umbrella and walked to 7 Eleven and got my 2 HotDogs =) It was DEEEElicious! Totally worth it!
20 Week Belly
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Felt My Baby Move Last Night!!
For the past couple of weeks, I have been feeling stuff going on in my stomach. It would be a quick sensation, that would feel like flutters. They say that it could be the baby, but I never really was convinced. Yesterday at 20 weeks 1 day, I KNOW if felt him move. It was so strong that I felt it with my hand from the outside! It was so great! He moved/kicked about 4 times =) I can't wait until I get to feel it all the time.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Half Way There!!
I'm 20 weeks [congratulations to me!]. 20 more to go and I'll have my baby boy! I'm very excited, and can't wait to experience the next 20 weeks. The first half was nice and easy (thank God). No morning sickness. I've had the occasional cramps in the very beginning, but thats all.
Now, the bathroom breaks have been more constant. I have to pee all the time now. About every 1-2 hours I have to go. And it's with urgency too! I've also been feeling tired =/ I'm no longer a speed walker like before, and I get tired when I walk for a while. I find myself having to take little breaks and sitting down more often. Which I am not complaining just means little man is getting bigger.
He is now the length of a Banana! He weighs about 10 1/2 ounces and he's 10 inches from head to tiny toes! Keep growing baby!!!
He is now the length of a Banana! He weighs about 10 1/2 ounces and he's 10 inches from head to tiny toes! Keep growing baby!!!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Thursday, April 8, 2010
My Little Man at 17 weeks 2 days
It's a ... BOY!!! 4-08-2010
So all the wives tales were wrong lol. My little peanut is a BOY!! I'm so excited. I could now call him a HE or HIM, instead of it or as Chris has been calling him - Shim.
My parents chipped in and payed for an elective ultrasound just so we can find out. My next ultrasound wouldn't be until the first or second week of May, and I just couldn't wait that long to find out the gender. I know, I'm impatient. Chris went, in with me and saw our little guy moving around a lot. We saw his arm move up and down. He was so cute!!!
We confirm in May that its a boy. The tech never really saw a pee-pee, but he saw a scrotum. I haven't gone out a bought anything yet.
My parents chipped in and payed for an elective ultrasound just so we can find out. My next ultrasound wouldn't be until the first or second week of May, and I just couldn't wait that long to find out the gender. I know, I'm impatient. Chris went, in with me and saw our little guy moving around a lot. We saw his arm move up and down. He was so cute!!!
We confirm in May that its a boy. The tech never really saw a pee-pee, but he saw a scrotum. I haven't gone out a bought anything yet.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Doctor's Appointment Today
I had another doctors appointment today. They checked for a heartbeat; they took forever to find it, but they did. Such a nice sound. Oh yea, I'm gaining weight. My start weight was 110 lbs. Last month I was at 114 lbs and today (one month later) I gained an extra 3 lbs. Which totals 117lbs. That means baby is getting bigger. And my boobs :)
Friday, April 2, 2010
Feeling Blue
I started this blog, so I can keep track and write what I did, went through, experienced, and all of that since this is my first time being really pregnant. But I'm also going to try and write down, how I feel, whether its happy, excited, or even sad, like I am tonight.
I know that I have support from the people around me, THAT I know...abut I can't help but feel lonely some times. I feel as if, because I'm pregnant, I'm no longer included in peoples plans. I'm not really blaming anyone for, not wanting to sacrifice their weekend plans for me, its more like, I'm sad that it's going to, most probably, be this way for a long while. Maybe I was spoiled before - didn't have worries and basically went and did as I pleased. But now, thats gone, and feel alone, many, many times.
I know that hanging out with me now may not be as fun as before, lets face it - there aren't many things I can do nowadays, but I can't help that :*( I just have to adjust - but its easier said than done, when you don't want things to be different. But lets face it things already are. And things will be MUCH different a few months from now.
I know that I have support from the people around me, THAT I know...abut I can't help but feel lonely some times. I feel as if, because I'm pregnant, I'm no longer included in peoples plans. I'm not really blaming anyone for, not wanting to sacrifice their weekend plans for me, its more like, I'm sad that it's going to, most probably, be this way for a long while. Maybe I was spoiled before - didn't have worries and basically went and did as I pleased. But now, thats gone, and feel alone, many, many times.
I know that hanging out with me now may not be as fun as before, lets face it - there aren't many things I can do nowadays, but I can't help that :*( I just have to adjust - but its easier said than done, when you don't want things to be different. But lets face it things already are. And things will be MUCH different a few months from now.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
To Drink or Not to Drink
Okay, so I have been wondering about the whole wine drinking thing. Many women drink wine through out their pregnancies. Now, I know myself and I know that I won't be doing that. I think I would just feel guilty the whole time while I'm drinking, so you don't have to worry about me. But I keep reading all these posts about women drinking wine to help them relax and their doctors gave them the OK. They say it helps the uterus relax :)
Although I do think about it sometimes...I know myself and would NEVER do anything that might harm this baby even a tiny bit- I'm too paranoid. But I don't find it fair that women in France and Ireland drink all the time while pregnant!! Kids in France and Ireland look pretty normal, don't they? It's a good thing I'm not craving liquor - I don't even miss it...Yet.
Although I do think about it sometimes...I know myself and would NEVER do anything that might harm this baby even a tiny bit- I'm too paranoid. But I don't find it fair that women in France and Ireland drink all the time while pregnant!! Kids in France and Ireland look pretty normal, don't they? It's a good thing I'm not craving liquor - I don't even miss it...Yet.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Old Wive's Tales :: Boy or Girl ?
So, I've done these little gender tests just for fun to see if my little baby is a boy or girl. I've done the Chinese Gender Calendar and it said girl. I did the old ring on a string over my belly and it said girl. Also, baby's heart beat was 154 bmp at 8 weeks and they say that anything over 140 is a girl (it's said that a girls heart rate is faster than a boys). I might just buy something called Intelligender, its a test in which you pee in and it turns one of two different colors. I read the box and it says its 80% accurate. I'm anxiously waiting for the day they schedule me for that ultrasound. I just wish it was sooner. We'll have to wait over a month to find out :(
13 Week Picture
I Made it to Four Months!!
I am so very excited, today I have made it to the fourth month of my pregnancy. Throughout this pregnancy I have been cautiously going through the weeks. I was happy when I made it to my second trimester, and now I'm ecstatic about today!
I am 16 weeks today and baby is the size of an avocado, about 4 1/2 inches and weighs 3 1/2 ounces - grow baby grow !
I am 16 weeks today and baby is the size of an avocado, about 4 1/2 inches and weighs 3 1/2 ounces - grow baby grow !
Monday, March 29, 2010
1st Ultrasound (2-8-2010)

Chris was the only one allowed to go in with me. We go inside and the tech - this Cuban guy - puts that jelly on me, which was surprisingly warm on my belly. He looks and looks, and we finally come across something on the screen, and it kind of looks like a peanut!! That's our baby!! He told us that I was 8 weeks 6 days along, which was farther along than what I thought I was. My due date was September 20th, now its September 14th [yay]. He also checked for the heartbeat. It was nice and strong going at 154 bpm. At that moment I was so happy and relieved that everything was fine.
Its Official - I'm Pregnant! (1-13-2010)
I found out I pregnant on January 9th (3 days before my birthday). I bought one of those take at home pregnancy test and it quickly came out positive(OMG). On January 13th I went to the clinic so they can confirm my pregnancy. I got there at 1:30 and didn't leave until 5!!!! It was horrible-I was starving!!!! They took a pee sample & got all my info. I waited some more until they called me back in to tell me that I WAS pregnant (YAY)
I was so excited because at that point it became official that I really was expecting a little tiny baby. I couldn't tell anyone but Chris yet, although I wanted to share the news with the world - I would wait a few more weeks until anyone else finds out. Once I'd get confirmation that the baby is OK thats when I'd tell the family.
Couldn't wait to tell them!
I was so excited because at that point it became official that I really was expecting a little tiny baby. I couldn't tell anyone but Chris yet, although I wanted to share the news with the world - I would wait a few more weeks until anyone else finds out. Once I'd get confirmation that the baby is OK thats when I'd tell the family.
Couldn't wait to tell them!
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