Okay, so I have been wondering about the whole wine drinking thing. Many women drink wine through out their pregnancies. Now, I know myself and I know that I won't be doing that. I think I would just feel guilty the whole time while I'm drinking, so you don't have to worry about me. But I keep reading all these posts about women drinking wine to help them relax and their doctors gave them the OK. They say it helps the uterus relax :)
Although I do think about it sometimes...I know myself and would NEVER do anything that might harm this baby even a tiny bit- I'm too paranoid. But I don't find it fair that women in France and Ireland drink all the time while pregnant!! Kids in France and Ireland look pretty normal, don't they? It's a good thing I'm not craving liquor - I don't even miss it...Yet.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Old Wive's Tales :: Boy or Girl ?
So, I've done these little gender tests just for fun to see if my little baby is a boy or girl. I've done the Chinese Gender Calendar and it said girl. I did the old ring on a string over my belly and it said girl. Also, baby's heart beat was 154 bmp at 8 weeks and they say that anything over 140 is a girl (it's said that a girls heart rate is faster than a boys). I might just buy something called Intelligender, its a test in which you pee in and it turns one of two different colors. I read the box and it says its 80% accurate. I'm anxiously waiting for the day they schedule me for that ultrasound. I just wish it was sooner. We'll have to wait over a month to find out :(
13 Week Picture
I Made it to Four Months!!
I am so very excited, today I have made it to the fourth month of my pregnancy. Throughout this pregnancy I have been cautiously going through the weeks. I was happy when I made it to my second trimester, and now I'm ecstatic about today!
I am 16 weeks today and baby is the size of an avocado, about 4 1/2 inches and weighs 3 1/2 ounces - grow baby grow !
I am 16 weeks today and baby is the size of an avocado, about 4 1/2 inches and weighs 3 1/2 ounces - grow baby grow !
Monday, March 29, 2010
1st Ultrasound (2-8-2010)

Chris was the only one allowed to go in with me. We go inside and the tech - this Cuban guy - puts that jelly on me, which was surprisingly warm on my belly. He looks and looks, and we finally come across something on the screen, and it kind of looks like a peanut!! That's our baby!! He told us that I was 8 weeks 6 days along, which was farther along than what I thought I was. My due date was September 20th, now its September 14th [yay]. He also checked for the heartbeat. It was nice and strong going at 154 bpm. At that moment I was so happy and relieved that everything was fine.
Its Official - I'm Pregnant! (1-13-2010)
I found out I pregnant on January 9th (3 days before my birthday). I bought one of those take at home pregnancy test and it quickly came out positive(OMG). On January 13th I went to the clinic so they can confirm my pregnancy. I got there at 1:30 and didn't leave until 5!!!! It was horrible-I was starving!!!! They took a pee sample & got all my info. I waited some more until they called me back in to tell me that I WAS pregnant (YAY)
I was so excited because at that point it became official that I really was expecting a little tiny baby. I couldn't tell anyone but Chris yet, although I wanted to share the news with the world - I would wait a few more weeks until anyone else finds out. Once I'd get confirmation that the baby is OK thats when I'd tell the family.
Couldn't wait to tell them!
I was so excited because at that point it became official that I really was expecting a little tiny baby. I couldn't tell anyone but Chris yet, although I wanted to share the news with the world - I would wait a few more weeks until anyone else finds out. Once I'd get confirmation that the baby is OK thats when I'd tell the family.
Couldn't wait to tell them!
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