Friday, July 9, 2010

Independence Day :)

Hope everyone had a fun and safe 4th Of July.  Fireworks were beautiful this year!! Best year yet!! Next year Justin will be joining us in the picture :) 


Friday, July 2, 2010

Doctor's Appointment Today

I was so sleepy.  Going to bed at 5:30a.m. to wake up at 9:00am to be at the clinic by 9:30 was a drag! I almost didn't want to go - but I wanted to tell them about the hospital visit.

The doctor checked me out & I was given a prescription to get pills for whatever caused the bleeding.  So like I stated before - I have had nothing since then.  They did the usual and I'm up to 133 pounds.  So far so good - I so don't want to go over 140lbs. We'll see how that goes being that I have 10 weeks left!!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Trip to the Hospital

I went in to the hospital because I had some spotting for 2 days.  I didn't think much of it, since that is quite normal - but it wouldn't go away so I was concerned.  MIL said she would take me, just so we can ease our minds.  I started reading about what it could be and I got really nervous.  I went to the bathroom ones more and that did it.  I called MIL and she picked me up it was about 12:00am when we were driving over to Palisade.

I went in and immediately sent me in L&D (Labor and Delivery). I pee'd for them, changed into that ugly hospital gown and they hooked me up to the machines to monitor the baby. The nurse that treated me wasn't very vocal, so I didn't really know what was going on.  She would review the sheet of paper coming out of the machine thing that monitored me.  She then said "you don't feel that?" I said "no".  Mom then said - What is she supposed to be feeling? Is she having contractions?" Nurse said "Yes".  I felt my body literally get super hot all over.  I was going to start panicking, but quickly remembered that this happens all the time to women.  So I relaxed.  She hooked me up to get hydrated to see if that stopped the contractions - which they didn't but reduced them.  I didn't even feel anything!!

After hours there - they gave me a shot to fully stop the contractions. They gave me antibiotics for an infection (which caused the bleeding).  It turns out that I had a UTI which was the reason why I was spotting those days.  The UTI might have or might not have caused the contractions.  They don't know.  They told me to stay hydrated, that might have been another reason why my contractions probably started too.  I really don't drink water - so that might have been it. We ended up leaving the hospital at 5:00 am!! I was so tired and sleepy.  Plus I had to be up and ready by 9:00 for my doctors appointment.

I really don't want him coming out soon!  I want him to come home with me, I don't want him to be in a NICU.

After that - I haven't had ANY spotting or bleeding.  I have been drinking more water, especially now that we're having 102 degree weather.