Friday, April 30, 2010


On Monday 4/26 I had to make a run to the 24 hr. 7 Eleven. For some reason I really wanted to eat HotDogs! It was 12:30 a.m. and for some reason couldn't get it out of my head! I tried to eat something else - or go to sleep, but no luck. Finally at 2:30, I couldn't take it. I went out, with my umbrella and walked to 7 Eleven and got my 2 HotDogs =) It was DEEEElicious! Totally worth it!

Sneezing = Peeing

What's up with that! I have to constantly wear panty liners now.

20 Week Belly

Halfway mark. Did you know that my uterus is the size of was cantaloupe, and it reaches my belly button? Before pregnancy it's the size of your fist. Crazy!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Felt My Baby Move Last Night!!

For the past couple of weeks, I have been feeling stuff going on in my stomach. It would be a quick sensation, that would feel like flutters. They say that it could be the baby, but I never really was convinced. Yesterday at 20 weeks 1 day, I KNOW if felt him move. It was so strong that I felt it with my hand from the outside! It was so great! He moved/kicked about 4 times =) I can't wait until I get to feel it all the time.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Half Way There!!

I'm 20 weeks [congratulations to me!]. 20 more to go and I'll have my baby boy! I'm very excited, and can't wait to experience the next 20 weeks. The first half was nice and easy (thank God). No morning sickness. I've had the occasional cramps in the very beginning, but thats all.

Now, the bathroom breaks have been more constant. I have to pee all the time now. About every 1-2 hours I have to go. And it's with urgency too! I've also been feeling tired =/ I'm no longer a speed walker like before, and I get tired when I walk for a while. I find myself having to take little breaks and sitting down more often. Which I am not complaining just means little man is getting bigger.

He is now the length of a Banana! He weighs about 10 1/2 ounces and he's 10 inches from head to tiny toes! Keep growing baby!!!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

19 Week Belly Picture

Looks pretty big here. This is a full belly =)

Thursday, April 8, 2010

My Little Man at 17 weeks 2 days

This is a frontal view of him. That little circle looking thing is his hand!! Doesn't he look like his momma already ?

It's a ... BOY!!! 4-08-2010

So all the wives tales were wrong lol. My little peanut is a BOY!! I'm so excited. I could now call him a HE or HIM, instead of it or as Chris has been calling him - Shim.

My parents chipped in and payed for an elective ultrasound just so we can find out. My next ultrasound wouldn't be until the first or second week of May, and I just couldn't wait that long to find out the gender. I know, I'm impatient. Chris went, in with me and saw our little guy moving around a lot. We saw his arm move up and down. He was so cute!!!

We confirm in May that its a boy. The tech never really saw a pee-pee, but he saw a scrotum. I haven't gone out a bought anything yet.

Expecting Pictures, Images and Photos

Monday, April 5, 2010

Doctor's Appointment Today

I had another doctors appointment today. They checked for a heartbeat; they took forever to find it, but they did. Such a nice sound. Oh yea, I'm gaining weight. My start weight was 110 lbs. Last month I was at 114 lbs and today (one month later) I gained an extra 3 lbs. Which totals 117lbs. That means baby is getting bigger. And my boobs :)

Friday, April 2, 2010

Feeling Blue

I started this blog, so I can keep track and write what I did, went through, experienced, and all of that since this is my first time being really pregnant. But I'm also going to try and write down, how I feel, whether its happy, excited, or even sad, like I am tonight.
I know that I have support from the people around me, THAT I know...abut I can't help but feel lonely some times. I feel as if, because I'm pregnant, I'm no longer included in peoples plans. I'm not really blaming anyone for, not wanting to sacrifice their weekend plans for me, its more like, I'm sad that it's going to, most probably, be this way for a long while. Maybe I was spoiled before - didn't have worries and basically went and did as I pleased. But now, thats gone, and feel alone, many, many times.
I know that hanging out with me now may not be as fun as before, lets face it - there aren't many things I can do nowadays, but I can't help that :*( I just have to adjust - but its easier said than done, when you don't want things to be different. But lets face it things already are. And things will be MUCH different a few months from now.