Thursday, February 10, 2011

Everyone please meet Justin Xavier Guzman!


False Alarm!!! It's so close!!

Before Chris left for work they started...contractions! I didn't say anything, and kept them to myself.  I told him I felt something strange but not to get alarmed.  He later left for work and I whipped open the computer and opened the notepad and started typing in the times of these "contractions".  10 minutes - then 7 minutes and then 5 minutes!! Whoa baby!! I was sooooo excited....but then,  they were gone.  And didn't come back =(  But this is good, that means I'm close.

2 due dates

So my original due date was September 14th then it was changed when I went for my 22 week appointment because of his size.  I passed my first due date without a sign of labor, now this one has passed!! are a little too comfortable I'm assuming - because you are not budging mister!! I'm over this! My feet and back can no longer take this.  Help!