Wednesday, September 1, 2010

September is here !!

I am now 38 weeks and ready for baby to come.  I have become very anxious and I can't wait until he makes his grand entrance. My legs ache some days, my back really hurts too. I'm lucky my feet aren't swollen, but they do hurt sometimes.  Plus I feel so much pressure "down there" since he has dropped. I'm having BH Contractions, nothing major, they end up going away withing a few minutes.  I know he'll come when he is ready, but would reeeeaaalllly like it if he came this week :)


  1. I´m so happy that you made it so far!!!! I didn´t have that chance... you´ll soon have your baby boy in your arms and you´ll be the happiest girl on earth!!!!

  2. Don't rush the baby. He'll be born on his birthday don't worry about that. Remember a Due Date is a pretty random number. Your baby boy know exactly the right time to show up.
    Good Luck! I didn't make it past 38 weeks, my Audrey was born at exactly 38 weeks. Enjoy some extra rest so you'll be ready for the pushing and the those new baby sleepless nights.
