Tuesday, June 22, 2010


I remember being 10 weeks, and scared to death that something would go wrong, like it did the first time I got pregnant.  I had a big scare early on when I went to the hospital. I woke up after Chris left for work at 7 a.m. I got up from bed and a gush of blood came down.  I drove myself to the hospital - crying -and was sure that something had gone wrong.  I had Chris' mom with me and I was so scared.  Thankfully, nothing was wrong and all they told me to do was rest up.  At my follow up check up the doctor had told me that my baby had a 50-50 chance of making it.  I never really felt I was out in the clear.

I thank God that I have made it this far and hopefully my little guy cooks up real well and doesn't come out until he's due in September.  I am truly happy that I have had a good pregnancy so far.  And I am thankful every day for this.


  1. what a beautiful belly! I had those same feelings, even up until she was born.

  2. Thanks! I know, it's scary, I can't wait until September :)
